Boundless Online Sunday Gathering @ 10:30 AM CLICK TO JOIN

Week 4: Reflecting on Surrender

Coming Up for Air

Podcast 4 - Rest

Meet with your Infinitum Hub and talk through how your last three weeks has gone. Share with one about what questions, actions, or topics were challenging, and why?

  • Did you encounter anything new about yourself?
  • Did you encounter God in any new or unexpected ways?
  • Share some of your answers to the questions from the week and pray for one another. 
  • Talk about the Five AA steps that have been recommended to you so far. How have you engaged with them? Do you find it difficult using a resource designed for those in addictions? Can you see any parallels in your life?
  • Share your inventory lists with one another if you have not already done so. 

What prompts, invitations and courageous steps will you take this week?